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Defined shipping ZIP Code validation during checkout in WooCommerce
Runtime check pincode // Validate function action_woocommerce_after_checkout_validation( $data, $err...
Add content to the checkout page
Another way to edit the WooCommerce checkout page is by adding some content. With a solid knowledge ...
How to disable WooCommerce postcode validation
Do you want to remove the zip code field? In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to disable the WooC...
WooCommerce – Sell to only one State
Let’s say you are selling fresh produce and only want to sell to your home state. Because you are ...
WooCommerce Visual Hook Guide: Checkout Page
WooCommerce Checkout Page [Visual Hook Guide] woocommerce_before_checkout_form –> “Have a cou...
How to Fix the XAMPP Error “Apache Shutdown Unexpectedly”
XAMPP is a helpful development tool. However, you may run into problems at some point, such as rece...
Install Magento 2.4 on Windows 10 (2021)
Installing Magento 2.4 on Windows 10 can be really frustrating because of all the errors related to ...
Magento2 – How to install the extension
How to install the extension Backup your store’s database and web directory. Login to your ser...
Magento2 – “sw_menu_block_top_content” attributeCode doesn’t exist
“(MagentoFrameworkExceptionNoSuchEntityException): The attribute with a “sw_menu_bloc...
Magento 2 – Disabling the Extension
Disabling the Extension Temporarily Disable To temporarily disable the extension please follow these...
Magento2 – How to upgrade extension
To upgrade the extension, follow these steps: Backup your store’s database and web directory. ...
sar output for Yesterday statistics
To check the load: sar -q -f /var/log/sa/sa$(date +%d -d yesterday) To check the CPU status: sar -p ...