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Objective This articles describe on installing the paravirtualized drivers on a linux operating systems like centos, redhat, ubuntu Instructions 1. Insert the XenTools ISO in the DVD drive of the Linux VM2. Mount the DVD drive to /mnt using : “mount /dev/xvdd /mnt”It says , mount : block device /dev/xvdd is write-protected, mounting read-only The…
Safely Removing virtfs on a cPanel Server
If you’re on a cPanel server, you’ve probably noticed a sizable folder called ‘virtfs’ sitting in /home, which would appear at first to be using a ton of space. Your first inclination might be to delete it, but don’t! Most likely, the files in that folder are actually just hard links or bind mounts and…
Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address
About the TLS Extension Server Name Indication (SNI) When website administrators and IT personnel are restricted to use a single SSL Certificate per socket (combination of IP Address and socket) it can cost a lot of money. This restriction causes them to buy multiple IP addresses for regular https websites from their domain host or…
Install Linux Centos 7, Nginx, MySQL, Postgres, PHP 8.0
Update LANG Edit environtment vi /etc/environment add these lines… LANG=en_US.utf-8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 Update and upgrade Core yum -y update yum -y upgrade Install NGINX yum install epel-release yum install nginx Start NGINX and Enable Service systemctl start nginx systemctl enable nginx Install PHP 8.0 Enable Remi Repo yum install Check yum –disablerepo=”*” –enablerepo=”remi-safe” list php[7-9][0-9].x86_64…
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